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Rugby requires a battalion of real men warriors, hard built, the masculine of the masculine of hardcore bone busting strength. Soccer involves just dribbling and fast-paced movements in terms of eye movements and passing the ball to other team members.But rugby involves an entirely different setup which involves playing with an oval-shaped ball firstly.It is heavy and hard to throw from a distance. Rugby is one of the hardest sports to play is the fact that one of the main things is when a team of opposing muscular sized men ram head each other in a rough fashion where they literally head and tackle each other and your shoulder is the ultimate driving force.

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Running Marathons

Marathon is the greatest event of the year. In particular running marathons in competition with other runners under weather conditions that are not always the rosiest. It could be scorching hot under the sun or particularly in the pouring rain.

While the weather isn’t all that makes Running the marathons aren’t the worst of one’s concerns, people with health issues such as heart problems are bound to collapse.If they fall unconscious on the road if their bodies cannot handle the ultimate running distance. It’s a beautiful and lively sport but it isn’t for everybody.Even the fittest of the fittest may not make it as a human body is a human body at the end of the day.

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Running Marathons



Playing soccer sincerely takes more than just kicking a ball or scoring through the goal post. There is a lot of skills that must be constantly developed from one person or as a team.

Playing soccer is all about coordination of the team, to be able to communicate beforehand with your team.  Another hard part about playing soccer is the ability to strike a ball from a distance without losing speed of the ball into a net a few meters away.

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