News On Topic hel_bearbetad-800x475 Strangest Musical Instruments Entertainment Stories


The hydraulophone is basically an organ powered by water or other liquids. It was invented and named by Steve Mann. The instrument has several holes, and the sound producing mechanism emanates music when the water flow through one hole is blocked.

News On Topic Ontario_Science_Centre_Hydraulophone_6 Strangest Musical Instruments Entertainment Stories


Branching Corrugahorn

This experimental musical instrument was invented by Bart Hopkin. It is made from flexible corrugated pipes, which are normally found in hospitals or workshops. The Branching Corrugahorn consists of a mouthpiece and several corrugated pipes of varying lengths.

News On Topic 10-strange-and-unusual-musical-instruments-10 Strangest Musical Instruments Entertainment Stories
Branching Corrugahorn


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