News On Topic hel_bearbetad-800x475 Strangest Musical Instruments Entertainment Stories

From piano and flute to violin and guitar, we are familiar with various kinds of musical instruments. And as with any other things, there are some odd specimens among musical instruments as well. They are considered unique owing to their design and sound among other things and are the results of the innovation and hard work of some geniuses.

This is the list strangest musical instruments in the world.

Stalacpipe Organ

Great Stalacpipe Organ is the world’s largest musical instrument. Occupying more than three acres of Luray Caverns in Virginia, the organ produces music tones by striking the stalactites of different sizes with rubber mallets using a keyboard console. The music produced by the instrument can be heard from anywhere in the caverns without a loudspeaker.

News On Topic great-stalacpipe-organ-46 Strangest Musical Instruments Entertainment Stories
Stalacpipe Organ



One of the unique things about Sharpsichord is that it is solar-powered. Also known as Barrel Harp, it was invented by instrument maker Henry Dagg. The sharpsichord is a perforated cylinder containing 11,520 holes into which the musician plugs pins to create music.

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