News On Topic Ruou-Vodka-Crystal-Head-622x475 Most Unique Liquor Bottles In the World Stories

Absolut Disco

Absolut is the third largest vodka brand, since 1879. It has a long reputation of selling its liquors in bottles that are creatively and innovatively designed. One of its most imaginative bottles was that of the Absolut Disco, launched in 2007, as a part of a winter campaign.

News On Topic img_0682-14a92e1 Most Unique Liquor Bottles In the World Stories
Absolut Disco


Bong Spirit Vodka

The Bong Spirit Vodka is a super-premium brand of vodka, and as the name suggests, it is sold in a bottle that is shaped like a bong.

News On Topic e38dd986-1af8-445f-94b7-ba509aeb2f25 Most Unique Liquor Bottles In the World Stories
Bong Spirit Vodka


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