News On Topic blue_ghost_woman_by_plutoplus1-1024x618-800x475 Chilling Female Ghost Stories Entertainment Stories

Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

Considered to be one of the most famous hauntings in England, The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall is a ghost that haunts Raynham Hall. The ghost of the Brown Lady was captured on camera before, and it’s presented as an actuall photographic proof that ghosts exist.

The ghost of the Brown Lady was a woman called Lady Dorothy. She fell in love with Charles Townshend, but their marriage was forbidden by her father. Eventually, after the death of Charle’s wife, Lady Dorothy and he got married. However, he found out about her infidelity with Lord Wharton whilst waiting to get married to Charles and locked her in a room until her death.

Over the next two centuries, there have been sightings of the ghost of a lady wearing a brown satin dress with disheveled hair and pale face and eye gouged out.

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Brown Lady of Raynham Hall


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