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La Planchada

La Planchada is a well known ghost story in Mexico. The legend states that in the 1930’s, a nurse who went by the name of Eulalia worked in Hospital Juarez in Mexico City. She was known to wear clean and ironed uniforms, hence the name La Planchada which translates to Ironed Lady.

She fell in love with a handsome doctor who recently joined the hospital’s staff. As a result, they got engaged shortly after. The doctor had to attend a seminar one day, and he didn’t return from the trip. Eulalia learned later that he wedded another woman whom he had met there.

Eulalia’s sadness turned to depression, which led to the neglecting and death of one of her patients. The nurse became ill herself from the guilt an died in the hospital.

Witnesses have stated that they have seen her ghost walking around the hospital. Others have claimed that during their stay at the emergency room, a nurse in a clean crisp uniform would appear and heal them.

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La Planchada


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