News On Topic tardigrade Animals With Incredible Superpowers Animals Stories


These micro-animals so incredible is they can survive everywhere and anywhere, from mountain peaks to deepest oceans, from the driest deserts to the coldest Antarctic.They can withstand temperature ranging from -272 to 150 degree Celsius.Tardigrade can tolerate pressure 6 times greater than that found in the deepest ocean trenches.

News On Topic tardigrade Animals With Incredible Superpowers Animals Stories


The Platypus

Platypus possesses even more unusual features, and one of them is their ability to sense electric field.They’re the only mammals who find their prey using electrolocation. Their sixth sense is so powerful and reliable.They close their eyes, nose, and ears every time they dive, and go on a hunt.

News On Topic platypus-closeup.adapt_.945.1 Animals With Incredible Superpowers Animals Stories
The Platypus


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