News On Topic black-eyed-susan-6-800x475 Flowers to Keep your Garden Colorful Nature Photography


These flowers bloom until the first frost lasts and some species will continue to bloom even after that. They can also survive the whole season should the temperature stay above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to extend their blooming period, scientists and flowering experts recommend that they should be removed as soon as they begin to wither and dry. In this way, the chance for other flowers in the bed to survive will increase. Zinnia grows on fertile and well-drained soil that is exposed to direct sunlight. These flowers are beautiful and yet low maintenance making it easy for the housewife who is always short of time.

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Black Eyed Susans

Black-eyed Susans come from the sunflower family. They are Native to North America and one of the most popular wildflowers grown in the USA. Since 1918, it has been the state flower of Maryland. This flower has been used for traditional herbal medicine just like echinacea. Some species of fungi grow on the roots of the black-eyed Susan. These flowers are also known as “glorious daisy” possibly because of their resemblance. They are available in various shades of yellow, golden and orange.

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Black Eyed Susans


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