News On Topic 6cb48d490a76abca1c50bb2809430572-991x475 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets

Trump’s Pet

General George Patton from the World War II happens to be President Trump’s favourite general. The recent addition to the White House is a fluffy ball of a dog that has been named Patton after the general. The breed is a Goldendoodle.

News On Topic Donald-Trump’s-Patton World Leaders and Their Pets Pets
Donald Trump’s Patton



Justin Trudeau’s Kenzie

When Justin Trudeau was elected Prime Minister of Canada, the family of five did not have a pet. His press secretary later confirmed that the fluffy animal is an 11-week-old Portuguese water dog and is the same breed as that owned by the ex-American President Barack Obama (who was then President when the adoption took place).

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Justin Trudeau’s Kenzie


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