News On Topic 6cb48d490a76abca1c50bb2809430572-991x475 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth has owned more than 30 Corgis during her reign. The 90-year-old queen had a portrait on her 90th birthday which was costarred by four of her dogs, one of which has recently died. The royal corgis have been a subject of another numerous world of art as they have been famous worldwide.

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Queen Elizabeth’s pet



Vladimir Putin’s Pet

Mr Putin has owned rare wild animals, marine animals and three dogs hitherto and out of all these, his relationship with his dog Konni has been widely acclaimed. Unfortunately, Konni died in 2015 at the age of 15 but is believed to have lived a very active political and social life with Mr.Putin.

News On Topic 6cb48d490a76abca1c50bb2809430572 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets
Vladimir Putin’s Pets


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