News On Topic 6cb48d490a76abca1c50bb2809430572-991x475 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets

Malcolm Turnbull

Not only does the Prime Minister of Australia have pet dogs, he also maintains a blog about dogs. Although he may not be very active on the blog (obviously) what he maintains is believed to be an account of his own dogs Roxy, JoJo and Dusty.

News On Topic Malcolm-Turnbull-012-1024x683 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets
Malcolm Turnbull



Narendra Modi

The Indian Prime Minister is famous nowadays for the dog remark that he passed in the Parliament and politicians are taking him with a head on approach indignantly. He owns a Golden Retriever and various sources confirm that he is very affectionate towards the dog, letting him taste his food occasionally right off the plate.

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Narendra Modi’s pet


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