News On Topic 6cb48d490a76abca1c50bb2809430572-991x475 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets

Theresa May

Theresa May has inherited Larry – the cat. But, she has revealed that she is more of a dogs person and has always had dogs at home rather than cats. Yet, according to her, she is very happy to see Larry although she has not allowed it into her office yet. So Larry is the Official number 10 cat.

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Nawaz Sharif

While it is common for a developing country’s Prime Minister or President to show off their undocumented wealth, it is also common for them to have expensive pets that displays the life of grandeur that they live. Of special attention here is the six sniffer dogs that belong to Nawaz Sharif and his security team. The dogs have not been media darlings unlike dogs of other world leaders- possibly because of the rumour that they have been bought with corruption money.

News On Topic Maryam-Nawaz-and-PM-Nawaz-Sharif World Leaders and Their Pets Pets
Nawaz Sharif


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