News On Topic ext-800x475 Most Powerful Women in the world News Women

Melinda Gates

She Born as Melinda Ann, on the 15th of August, 1964. Melinda is the wife of Bill Gates– the founder of Microsoft. She is a former Microsoft employee where she served as the project manager for Microsoft Bob, Encarta, and Expedia.

She is also an American philanthropist. Melinda holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and computer science from the University of Duke.Her estimated net worth is 70 billion dollars.

News On Topic 920x920 Most Powerful Women in the world News Women
Melinda Gates


Mary Barra

Mary Teresa Barra born on the 24th of December, 1961. Barra holds a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from the Kettering University. She also holds a Master of business in Administration from the Graduate School of Business in Stanford.

She has been the CEO and chairman of General Motors Company since 2014, making her the first woman to become a CEO of a major global automaker.

News On Topic ext Most Powerful Women in the world News Women
Mary Barra


 Christine Lagarde

Christine Madeleine Odette Lagardeborn on the 1st of January, 1956. She holds a Master’s degree in English, law, and labor from the Paris West University. She is a lawyer and a politician.She held the position of a managing director of the International Monetary Fund since July 2015.

News On Topic Christine-Lagarde Most Powerful Women in the world News Women
Christine Lagarde


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