News On Topic mickey-mouse-clubhouse-disney-900x475 Oldest Cartoon Characters in the World Movies

Scooby Doo

Scooby Doo is a Great Dane whose companions are Fred, Velma, Daphne and Shaggy, his best friend who he shares same personality traits with.

It has a speech impediment and often begins most words with ‘R’, but his friends understand him nevertheless.

News On Topic ScoobyDooMovieWallpaper800 Oldest Cartoon Characters in the World Movies
Scooby Doo


Fred Flintstone

Frederick Joseph Flintstone was created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. His first appearance was in 1960.

Fred and Wilma are best friends with their next-door neighbors Barney and Betty Rubble. They live in a prehistoric town where dinosaurs coexist with humans, as Fred has a pet dinosaur named Dino. His famous look includes his black hair, big nose and the orange loin with black spots cloth he wears with a tie.

News On Topic FlintstonesWallpaper800 Oldest Cartoon Characters in the World Movies
Fred Flintstone


Donald Duck

Donald Duck’s full name is Donald Fauntleroy Duck. He is one of the most popular cartoon characters out there. Also, most known for his trademark sailor shirt and hat and no pants, his short temper.

News On Topic Mickey-Mouse-and-Friends-Wallpaper-disney-6603910-800-600 Oldest Cartoon Characters in the World Movies
Donald Duck


Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is one of the oldest and most known characters ever.

He was ‘born’ in 1928, the date which his first picture started. Originally, the mouse’s name was Mortimer Mouse but he was given the name Mickey Mouse by Walt Disney’s wife, Lillian Disney.

Mickey Mouse didn’t speak until 1929. His first words were “Hot dogs!”, voiced by Walt Disney himself.

News On Topic mickey-mouse-clubhouse-disney Oldest Cartoon Characters in the World Movies
Mickey Mouse


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