Lowers blood pressure
It appears that crying is able to lower the blood pressure and pulse rate.Stress hormones accelerate your heartbeat, dilates your pupils and prepares for the challenge.It constricting your arteries which leads to high blood pressure. Crying reduces stress, therefore, it also reduces your blood pressure.

Restores your emotional balance
We are crying when we are feeling happy, angry, or stressed. Many researchers believe that crying in this way can help.It restores the emotional equilibrium that we need to face everyday situations. Crying may be the body’s mechanism.It helps to adapt to experiencing such strong emotions or feelings.
Improves your mood
IrWhen we sob, we take in quick breaths of air, which can help us quite a lot. Breathing cool air can lower the temperature of the brain, which leads us to see things a little bit clearer.It improves your mood.
