There are many things in your yard that are subtle but as deadly as a heart attack. This list will go over some common and not-so-common deadliest organisms that can be found in a backyard.
Nerium Oleander

Nerium oleander is a very distinct species. It’s one of the most poisonous plants on earth. It can withstand dry conditions, but it prefers to inhabit moist soil adjacent to rivers and other bodies of water. There are many species of Oleander that live in the Southern United States.
Consumption of this brilliant species is life-threatening and most likely fatal. Allergic reactions can occur, but the toxins take a direct blow at the victim’s gastrointestinal system. Even if treatment is successful, permanent damage can occur. From a commander who has never lost a battle, feeding your troops meat from weird looking sticks is pretty comical.
Lily of the Valley

The Lily of the Valley flowers are as deadly as a rattlesnake, but many people do not know this. All parts of this plant can kill you. However, the Lily of the Valley contains glycosides, a chemical compound that maximizes the force in which the heart contracts. This compound can effectively manipulate the volume of blood the heart can pump.
Though, a concentrated amount of these unstable chemical compounds can do a number on a victim’s gastrointestinal, respiratory, and nervous systems.