News On Topic bigstock-Office-Work-2500703-800x475 Best Tips for a Great Night’s Sleep Health

 Limit intake of caffeine and nicotine

Caffeine can interfere with your sleep even after twelve hours of drinking it. Nicotine can also do the same. Even if you are not facing the problem not it can happen anytime with prolonged habit of drinking caffeinated drinks

News On Topic Nicotine-vs.-Caffine Best Tips for a Great Night’s Sleep Health
Limit intake of caffeine and nicotine



Limit your exposure to digital activities and stimulating media

Say no to your Facebook messages or addictive YouTube videos or mobile games at least an hour before you go to bed. Avoid watching any suspense or action thriller on TV that will make you feel all worked up and drive away your sleep.

News On Topic Limit-your-exposure-to-digital-activities-and-stimulating-media Best Tips for a Great Night’s Sleep Health
Limit your exposure to digital activities and stimulating media



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