News On Topic brainmanthinkingconcentrationcreditshutterstockcom-800x475 10 Methods to Improve Your Memory and Retention Capacity Health Secrets

Multitasking should be avoided as much as possible

People say that multitasking shows off the ability of your brain to handle multiple tasks at a single go. But the concept is entirely wrong. In fact, researchers are of the opinion that due to multitasking, we lose focus and concentration, which causes memory loss, ie, we forget certain things. That is why you will see that when you read a book and talk to someone, you cannot do either properly.

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Herbal remedies

Herbs like Ashwagandha is extremely good for boosting one’s memory, as well as curing brain-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Also, naturally occurring oils, like fish oil, helps the neurones in our brain to grow properly, which reduces the chances of several neurodegenerative illnesses.

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