News On Topic 4136182721_2ab65a707d_b-800x475 Most Stunning Staircases in the World Architecture Nature

 Moses Bridge Stairs

The Moses Bridge Stairs are located in Netherlands. The 17th century Fort de Roovere here, which had an island status, is surrounded by a moat which, initially, had not bridge.

News On Topic Moses_Bridge_Sunken_Bridge_The_Netherlands_1 Most Stunning Staircases in the World Architecture Nature
Moses Bridge Stairs


Stairs Above The Sea

The Stairs Above The Sea is a man-made stone staircase on the small islet of Gaztelugatxe in Spain.It is connecting the island to the mainland. The island is a rocky one and has a chapel on it which added back to the 9th-10th century.It can be accessed by a narrow path, after crossing a solid stone bridge, and going up the Stairs Above The Sea, one of the most stunning staircases in the world takes a jagged path.

News On Topic Gaztelugatxe1 Most Stunning Staircases in the World Architecture Nature
Stairs Above The Sea


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