News On Topic 1024x1024-1024x475 Strangest Things Ever Preserved in a Museum Animals Entertainment

Cher Ami

Cher Ami was a carrier pigeon. It helped save hundreds of men during World War l in France. The term Cher Ami means Dear Friend in French.She delivered messages and helped save lives.

Cher Ami currently displayed at the National Museum of American History.

The Soap Lady

The Soap Lady is the mummified body of a woman.Her body exhumed in 1875 in Philadelphia. What’s strange about it is that a wax-like substance formed by tissue fat forms a permanent cast encasing the body’s remains.

The Soap Lady died during the yellow fever epidemic in the 1790s. The body displayed in the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

News On Topic soap-lady Strangest Things Ever Preserved in a Museum Animals Entertainment
The Soap Lady



The Trash-O-Saurus is an iconic and unique exhibit.

It displayed in the Garbage Museum in Stratford, Connecticut. Trash-O-Saurus is a 12 feet tall dinosaur that weighs one ton. It is completely made out of trash such as license plates, cell phones, and other material.

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