Smallest Pig
A miniature pig is a breed of pig developed for medical research. The average full grown potbellied pig is anywhere from 16-26 inches tall at their shoulders.
Smallest Pig
Smallest Fox
The fennec fox or fennec is a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara of North Africa. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. The fennec fox is the smallest of all the world’s foxes.

Panda cow is a breed of miniature cattle with markings that resemble those of a giant panda. There are reportedly only 24 in the world, as of January 2011. Also known as the miniature panda cow, it is the result of a mutation. Its markings include a white belt around the animal’s midsection and a white panda-like face with black markings around the eyes.

Smallest Living Cow