Hamsters are extremely popular due to their cute looks, furry coat, and relatively inexpensive care requirements. The hamster is a rather solitary and self-entertaining animal. Also, buying one hamster is sufficient as they don’t need partners due to their solitary nature. However, they have a rather short lifespan of only 2.5-3 years. Also, they are nocturnal so they will not be awake for most of the day.

Guinea pigs
A guinea pig will measure between 8 to 12 inches from nose to tip of the back when fully grown. They are extremely cute, cuddly and like to socialize with their owners and other guinea pigs. They have a lifespan of 5-10 years and suitable for children of any age group.

Hedgehogs are for those people who require a more “advanced” pet. They are solitary animals and prefer to live alone, you can keep them in a rabbit-sized cage but keep in mind that they are excellent climbers and might slip out if there is no lid on the top. Hedgehogs will mostly eat cat or kitten food, but occasional supplements such as eggs, crickets, fruits and vegetables, cooked meats are also required. Hedgehogs need constant baths and are more prone to catching diseases compared to other animals on this list, so be careful. All that aside, they are very good for older kids and can be quite docile and sociable if you interact regularly with them.