News On Topic blue-gold-macaw-180969264-resized-56a0a14a3df78cafdaa3715e-800x475 Small Pets That Could Be Right for Your Kids Animals Pets

Hermit Crab

Hermit crabs are one of those small pets that are not very common. They need an aquarium with a half foot thick layer of sand and some stones on top for them to climb and play with.

The hermit crab can be handled by older kids, but it is best to let the crab do its own thing. It is more of a calm, peaceful animal and is not exactly the kind of creature you can cuddle with or pet.

News On Topic Hermie Small Pets That Could Be Right for Your Kids Animals Pets
Hermit Crab



Chinchillas are the furriest creatures. They have a deep, velvety coat of hair. In fact, their fur coat is so velvety that the best thing about getting your new pet will be holding it. Chinchillas are not very comfortable with being cuddled, so let them run up to you inside. The chinchilla is fairly large at about 12 inches long for an adult, the females are larger than the males. They also have zero body odor and even their droppings do not emit a smell until days. They have a lifespan of around 10 to 15 years. Chinchillas come in a variety of colors, from serene white to charcoal black. They do not require a lot of attention and can be fed commercial pellets available from the pet store. Chinchilla male is best kept in pairs of two and female can be kept in solitary.

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Ferrets are extremely active, highly inquisitive and very agile animals. They also have a longer lifespan than most small pets, at around 8-10 years. They require more attention than a rat or hamster as they are not very comfortable with being crammed in a cage all day.They will play with you all day and are very cuddly once they get around three years old.

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They are also very playful animals. They can be handled a lot, are very calm and cute as well.  They have a great memory for a creature which is so small and will survive on food pellets that you can find at the pet store. However, they too have a short lifespan ranging from two to three years.

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