News On Topic great-white-shark-6-800x475 Deadliest Animals Around the World Animals


Lion is the Kings of the jungle.Lions are fast, cunning and extremely powerful.

They have a sixth sense of hunting and they aren’t very discriminating. Lions simply see humans as slower, less-able free lunches, much like gazelles or a zebra. These caused over 250 deaths per year.

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The Shark

They have organs in their heads called Ampullae of Lorenzini. Every time animal moves, it generates a very slight electrical field.Sharks can actually sense this electricity.

If it is within 100 meters, it can detect the voltage of your heartbeat. Averaging 15 feet long, with rows of up to 300 sharp serrated teeth inside powerful 4-foot-wide jaws.

News On Topic great-white-shark-6 Deadliest Animals Around the World Animals
The Shark



Jellyfish are soft-bodied, free-swimming aquatic animals.They are with a gelatinous umbrella-shaped bell and trailing tentacles. The bell can pulsate to acquire propulsion and locomotion.

Jellyfish are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. Scyphozoans are exclusively marine, but some hydrozoans live in freshwater.

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