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Sumatran Orangutan

It is one of the two species of orangutan, which is found in Indonesia on the island of Sumatra. Only eight orangutans that are presently kept in quarantine cages at the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme at the Quarantine Centre are remaining because they require long time care due to disability and health-related issues and they can therefore not be released into the wild just yet.

The greatest threat for the Orangutan is the extensive destruction of the Sumatran rainforest by human activities such as logging, mining, construction of roads and it is also cleared to provide land for farming, which has made them easy targets for poaching because their population is left isolated and fragmented. In the process of capture and transport, approximately 6-8 of them die every day. International laws have been set that discourage illegal trading of this beast.

News On Topic sumatran_orang-utan2 Animals that are at the verge of extinction Animals Nature
Sumatran Orangutan


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