News On Topic 141-150423104G1926-1024x475 Unique Dog Breeds You May Never Come Across Animals Pets

We see dozens of dogs in your life, but there are some unique dog breeds you may never come across. Some of these have some similarities to dogs we are familiar with and others look more exotic.

Regardless of their sizes and shapes, these unique dog breeds are so cute. Some of them are rare and found in very small numbers, and even sometimes they aren’t acknowledged by the American Kennel Club.

Here is a list of  Unique Dog Breeds You May Never Come Across.


The Azawakh is a sighthound dog breed from Africa.The Azawakh is almond-eyed and thin. It moves with a distinctly feline gait and can be found in a variety of colors such as red, blue fawn, grizzle, and, rarely, blue and black.

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Mudi has better hair and so much cute. It is a rare herding dog breed from Hungary. Mudi is a versatile and very energetic dog. It is fairly healthy breed and lives from 13 to 14 years. It comes in a variety of different colors, which are all equally adorable.

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Catalburun is one of the only dogs in the world featuring a split nose and suspended ears. Its main attraction is the shape of the nose, that seems to be two noses. This unique dog breed originally bred for hunting in Turkey.

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