Sports is such a beautiful thing as it engages one’s physical being directly into the game and also challenges one’s thinking ability.It is important to some maximum and heights beyond one’s own horizons and so not everybody would be able to do this. Sports players require practice in the art of how they play something.
Anybody can participate in the Olympics.But in The Paralympic Games is a major international multi-sport event involving athletes with a range of disabilities.Especially including impaired muscle power impaired passive range of movement, limb deficiency, leg length difference and intellectual impairment. The purpose of the games is to promote fairness, eliminate discrimination against individuals with a disability, and to allow anyone to participate in disability sport.

Canoeing is a sport or recreational activity which involves paddling a canoe with a single-bladed paddle. In some parts of Europe canoeing refers to both canoeing and kayaking, with a canoe being called an Open Canoe.
National canoe associations include the American, Canadian, British, Scottish, and Welsh.

Gymnastics requires a selected few people on this planet in order to do complete justice to the sport altogether. As competitive as it is, people would have to have the body of a rubber to expand, contract and to be inhumanely flexible in order to perform certain gymnastic movements. Such things would involve bending in positions that may break ones back or to stretch in some ways that are nerve wrecking to watch.