News On Topic 5c534fdfc13d3ea7b38b2192026cdafb-colors-for-living-room-living-room-walls-736x475 10 Ways to Outfit Your Space with Vintage Charm Entertainment Science and Tech Stories

For vintage lovers, finding the perfect décor item means scavenging showroom floors and antique dealer warehouses. Though you want your home to have a vintage flavor, you might not know what type of items you need to accomplish this goal.

Here are 10 items you need to pull off a charmingly vintage home.

Military Trunk

Outfit your space with a DIY custom-made military trunk coffee table. Simply order a trunk from Etsy, attach two pairs of legs.You have an original coffee table with a history behind it. The coffee table will serve as a great talking point

News On Topic antique-Military-Style-Leather-Trunk-49-P1 10 Ways to Outfit Your Space with Vintage Charm Entertainment Science and Tech Stories
Military Trunk


Painted Screens

Painted Japanese screens and Turkish wall tapestries will highlight your sense of adventure and show your appreciation for art. Screens and tapestries mean so much more than a few custom-framed art prints.

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Painted Screens


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